How to combine two pictures on iPhone in just 1 min? 

Combining picture in iPhone is very simple. Check out the steps here.

You can do it using Shortcuts.

You can combine photos on your iPhone without using any third-party apps. 

To combine photos using Shortcuts on iPhone

Open the Shortcuts app on your iPhone. Shortcuts is used to make a shortcut which will combine the photos

1. Shortcuts App

On the main app screen of the Shortcuts app, select “Create Shortcut”. This will allow us to create the shortcut.

2. Search for Shortcut

On the next screen, search for “Combine Images” and select that highlighted option. 

3. Configuration

Firstly, look for the Mode. In Mode, choose Side-by-Side.

Some configuration is required for this part of the task. 

4. Select orientation

Then depending on how you want to combine your images, choose either Horizontal or Vertical.

5. Saving Shortcut

Now, search for “Save to Photo Album” and select it. Select the option next to Album in the “Save to Photo Album” to choose where your combined photo will be saved. 

6. Name of Shortcut

Next, select the settings icon in the top-right corner of your shortcut, then select Name and enter the name “Combine Images” for your shortcut. 

7. Finishing the Shortcut

Enable the Show in Share Sheet toggle so that you can see this shortcut in the Photos app. Then, select Done in the top-right corner, then Done again to save your shortcut. 

8. Open Photos and Select the Photos 

Now the shortcut is made. To use it, Open the Photos app on your iPhone. Select the photos you want to combine and select the Share option.  

9. Select Shortcuts

Select Shortcuts and select the shortcut that you created. After the process ends, go to Photos to access your combined image.   

Search "techyfreaky" for tips on iPhone and iOS. 

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