How to make Facebook dark mode in iPhone in 1 min?

How to make Facebook dark mode in iPhone in 1 min?

Facebook has its own dark mode that can be used to better interface it.

What is Dark Mode

What is Dark Mode

Dark mode turns your interface into a darker theme. Most of the colors that were bright white will turn into darker themes like black or violet.

how is it helpful?

Dark mode is a very useful feature that should be used by you if you are someone who likes darker themes.

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how to make Facebook dark mode iPhone

You can use the dark mode of your iPhone to do the dark mode on Facebook. Let us see the steps of how to make Facebook dark mode iPhone:

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Open the Facebook app


Inside the toolbar given at the bottom of the Facebook app, Press on the Access icon. This could open the bar.

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“Dark Mode”


 Inside the list of features for you to choose from, scroll down to find a tab called “Dark Mode”. Click on it.

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Toggle off


 Dark mode will show you three options to choose from. Particularly, “On”, “Off” and “System”. Click on the “On” button.

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