How to set a sleep and wake-up timer on iPhone 

Tap to learn more about how to set a sleep and wake up timer on iPhone!!! 

What is Sleep focus? 

Sleep Focus in the Health app is the feature that helps you schedule your sleep and sounds the alarm when you need to sleep or wake up. 

How to set up the sleep schedule? 

Follow the steps from the next slide to learn how to set a sleep and wake-up timer on an iPhone. 

Open Health 

Open the Health app. Tap on “Browse” at the bottom of the screen. This will give you access to a lot of options in Health App.

Select Sleep 

Tap on the “Sleep” option. Scroll down to “Your Schedule”, then tap “Full Schedule & Options”.

Select Add a Sleep Schedule 

Tap on “Change a Sleeping Schedule” to edit your sleeping schedule or select “Add a Sleeping Schedule” to add another schedule. 

Set the Days of the Schedule 

Tap on the day adds or remove to the schedule. The schedule applies to the days in solid color circles. 

Adjust Bedtime and Wake-Up Schedules 

Drag the Bed icon to change your bedtime and the Alarm icon to change the wake-up time. You can drag the semicircle in the middle to move both simultaneously. 

Select Alarm Options 

Turn wake-up alarm on or off. When it is turned on you can select the sound, its volume, the vibration, and the snooze option. 

Tap Done 

When you are finished, tap on “Add” or “Done”. You have successfully set up a sleep and wake-up schedule. 

Search TrickyFreaky for more tips on tricks on iPhone 

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