Know about all the Apple TV services in just 8 slides.

In this web story you will learn about the services of Apple TV in just 1 minute.

What is Apple TV Plus?

Apple TV plus is a streaming subscription plan produced by Apple which holds unique shows and movies that are named Apple Originals.

Why was Apple TV Plus made?

Apple TV Plus is a direct competitor to popular streaming services like Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, and Hulu.

What are the Apple TV Services?

All the Apple TV products are as follows: 1) Apple TV (Set-top-box product) 2) Apple TV app 3) Apple TV Plus

Apple TV (Set-top-box product)

This is a physical TV product that Apple introduced to the market through the household cable channels of the world.

Apple TV app

 It is a free app or service that allows you to stream through a variety of content or channels from different platforms.

Apple TV Plus:

This is the add-on subscription service model that is provided by Apple on the Apple TV App. It can show Apple Original Shows and Movies.

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