Mac os terminal commands in 8 slides.

Mac os terminal commands in 8 slides.

In this web story, you will learn what are the different Mac OS Terminal commands.

What are terminal codes ?

What are terminal codes ?

There are dozens of open source and freely available Unix-based apps. You don't have to spend money on these.

Spotlight Commands?

Spotlight Commands?

 When you're having difficulty searching for files in Spotlight, you can turn to Unix search tools. They're way more powerful than Spotlight.

Why use Terminal Commands?

Why use Terminal Commands?

With so many Mac commands, it's often difficult to remember and use them all. You can use some of them to unlock enhanced productivity on your system.

How to use the Terminal commands?

How to use the Terminal commands?

There are many commands in this cheat sheet. But you don't have to learn all of them at once. Let us see all of them.

Step 1: Code Enter:

Step 1: Code Enter:

Launch the Terminal app from Applications > Utilities or search for it via Spotlight.

Step 2: Codes:

Step 2: Codes:

Tab Auto-complete file and folder namesCtrl + AGo to the beginning of the line you're currently typing. Use these codes.

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