How to Get Synthetics Monitoring to Work in New Relic?

In the highly competitive business landscape of today, it’s critical to ensure your web applications are performing optimally. Thankfully, New Relic offers a powerful tool known as Synthetics Monitoring that aids you in accomplishing just that. This article will walk you through the steps on how to get synthetics monitoring to work in New Relic. By the end, you’ll have a detailed understanding of setting up and utilizing this robust feature for enhanced application performance.

What is New Relic Synthetics Monitoring?

New Relic’s Synthetics Monitoring is a suite of automated, scriptable tools to monitor your websites and apps. It allows you to simulate user behavior, verify your uptime, and even keep an eye on API endpoints. You can script sophisticated journeys, test your website’s functionality, and set up notifications for whenever something goes wrong.

Creating a New Relic Account

If you’re just getting started with New Relic, the first step is to create an account. This is as straightforward as pie and won’t take more than a few minutes.

Head over to the New Relic website. Look for the ‘Sign Up’ button, typically found in the top-right corner of the homepage. Click on it and you’ll be redirected to the registration page.

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Next, fill out the registration form. You’ll need to provide some basic information like your name, email address, and company details. Make sure to use a valid email, as you’ll receive a confirmation email to activate your account.

Once done, click on the ‘Sign Up’ button to submit the form.

Shortly after, you should receive a confirmation email from New Relic. Open the email and click the link to verify your email address and activate your account.

And there you have it, you now have a shiny new New Relic account to start monitoring your application performance!

Setting Up New Relic Synthetics Monitoring

Once you have an account, log in and navigate to the Synthetics page from your New Relic One dashboard. Here, you can start setting up your synthetic monitors.

Selecting the Type of Synthetic Monitor

The first big step in setting up your Synthetics Monitoring is choosing the right type of monitor. New Relic provides four types, each catering to different monitoring needs. Let’s walk through your choices:

  1. Ping Monitor: This is your go-to for simply checking if your website is up and running. If you’re after just basic uptime monitoring, select this.
  2. Simple Browser: This monitor performs a more in-depth check. It loads your full webpage, including all images, scripts, and CSS. If you want to check how your end users experience your page, this is the one.
  3. Scripted Browser: This option allows you to script complex user interactions and journeys. Choose this if you need to monitor a multi-step process like a sign-up or checkout process. See more: New Relic Scripted Browser Examples.
  4. API Test: If you need to verify your API endpoints, this monitor is your best bet.
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So, take your pick depending on what exactly you need to monitor and achieve.

Configuring the Synthetic Monitor

Once you’ve selected the type of monitor, the next step is configuration. Here’s where you’ll provide specifics about what to monitor and how often.

Enter the URL of the application or website you want to monitor. This tells New Relic where to direct its monitoring efforts.

Next, decide on the frequency of checks. This could be every minute, every hour, or anything in between, depending on your needs.

Lastly, choose the locations from which to monitor. New Relic has monitoring locations worldwide, so pick those that are most relevant to your user base.

Setting Up Alerts

The Alerts section is where you specify the conditions under which you want to receive notifications. Here’s how you set it up:

Define the error rate or response time at which you want to be alerted. For instance, you could set an alert for whenever the error rate goes above 1% or the response time exceeds 2 seconds.

Specify the downtime duration that triggers an alert. For example, get notified if your site is down for more than 5 minutes.

Remember, these alerts are customizable, so set them according to what’s most critical for your business operations.

Saving and Verifying Your Monitor

When you’re happy with all the settings, click the ‘Save your monitor’ button. New Relic will then run a quick validation to check that everything’s in order.

Upon successful verification, your new Synthetics Monitor will be up and running! You’ll start receiving data and alerts based on the parameters and conditions you set. Now you’re all set to keep tabs on your website or application’s performance like a pro!

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Making the Most Out of New Relic Synthetics Monitoring

To get the most from Synthetics Monitoring, it’s crucial to understand its features. From comprehensive dashboards to detailed reports, use them to monitor your application performance continuously.

Understanding Your Dashboard

The dashboard gives an overview of your monitors, their status, and performance trends. It allows you to quickly identify any issues and their severity.

Digging Deeper with Reports

For a more in-depth understanding, Synthetics Monitoring provides detailed reports. They offer data on load time, geographical performance, and even the success rate of your monitors.


Now you know how to get synthetics monitoring to work in New Relic. It’s time to utilize this potent tool to ensure your web applications are performing at their best. From setting up monitors to understanding reports, every step will bring you closer to seamless web performance. Remember, the key to a great digital experience is continuous monitoring and optimization. With New Relic’s Synthetics Monitoring, you’re fully equipped for the task. Start today and take your application performance to new heights!

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