4c error code samsung washer

A malfunctioning washing machine can be a major inconvenience in our daily lives. If you own a Samsung washer and have encountered the dreaded 4C error code, you’re not alone. This code is an indicator that something is amiss in your machine’s water supply system. But fear not, as this article will guide you through the reasons behind the 4C error code and provide detailed steps to fix it.

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the common causes of the 4C error code on Samsung washers and equip you with the knowledge and skills to resolve the issue. Say goodbye to the hassle of dealing with a non-functional washing machine, and let’s dive into the troubleshooting process.

Understanding the 4C Error Code

Before we delve into the solutions, let’s first understand what the 4C error code means. This code is specific to Samsung washing machines and is an indication of a water supply problem. When your washer displays the 4C error code, it means that it is not getting an adequate water supply, which can disrupt the washing cycle. Now, let’s explore the common reasons behind this error and how to fix them.

4c error code samsung washer

Common Causes of the 4C Error Code

  1. Water Inlet Valve Issues: The water inlet valve is responsible for allowing water to flow into the machine. If it’s clogged or malfunctioning, it can trigger the 4C error code. To check and fix this issue, follow these steps:
    • Turn off the washer’s power and water supply.
    • Locate the water inlet valve, usually at the back of the washer.
    • Inspect the valve for clogs or damage.
    • Replace the valve if necessary.
  2. Water Supply Hose Problems: Sometimes, the issue lies in the water supply hoses connected to your washer. They may be kinked, twisted, or damaged, restricting water flow. Here’s what you should do:
    • Turn off the washer and water supply.
    • Examine the hoses for any visible damage or kinks.
    • Replace damaged hoses and ensure they are properly connected.
  3. Water Pressure Issues: Low water pressure can also trigger the 4C error code. To address this problem, consider these steps:
    • Check if other appliances using water are affecting the pressure.
    • Clean or replace clogged faucet filters.
    • Ensure the water supply valve is fully open.

How to fix 4c error code Samsung washer?

Fix 1: Check and Reset Your Washer

Is your Samsung washer displaying the 4C error code? Before diving into complex troubleshooting, let’s begin with a simple yet effective fix—checking and resetting your washer. This step can often resolve minor issues and get your machine back on track.

  • Step 1: Power Off the Washer: Locate the power button on your Samsung washer and turn it off. Ensure the machine is completely powered down.
  • Step 2: Disconnect from Power Source: Safely disconnect your washer from the power source by unplugging it from the electrical outlet. This step is crucial for your safety while working on the appliance.
  • Step 3: Wait for a Few Minutes: Give your washer a brief rest. Waiting for about five minutes allows any electronic components to reset and discharge residual power.
  • Step 4: Reconnect and Power On:
    • Plug Back In: After the short wait, plug your washer back into the electrical outlet.
    • Power On: Turn the power back on using the washer’s control panel. Wait for the machine to initialize.
  • Step 5: Run a Test Cycle: To ensure the 4C error is resolved, run a test cycle without any laundry. Select a quick cycle option to save time.
  • Step 6: Monitor for the Error Code: As the test cycle runs, keep a close eye on the display panel for the 4C error code. If it does not appear during the test cycle, your washer is likely functioning correctly again.
  • Step 7: Resume Normal Use: Once you’ve confirmed that the error is no longer present, you can resume using your washer for regular laundry loads.

By following these simple steps to check and reset your Samsung washer, you may find that the 4C error code was a minor hiccup that has now been resolved. However, if the error persists, it’s time to explore additional troubleshooting options or seek professional assistance.

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Fix 2: Inspect and Clean the Water Inlet Filters

Another common reason for the 4C error code on your Samsung washer is clogged water inlet filters. These filters can become blocked by sediment, debris, or mineral deposits over time, causing a disruption in the water supply. Follow these steps to inspect and clean the filters:

  • Step 1: Prepare for Maintenance: Always prioritize safety. Turn off the power to your washer and unplug it from the electrical outlet to prevent any electrical hazards.
  • Step 2: Locate the Filters: Consult your washer’s user manual to locate the water inlet filters. Typically, you’ll find them at the back of the machine, where the water hoses connect.
  • Step 3: Access the Filters: Depending on your washer model, you may need to disconnect the water supply hoses to access the filters. Be prepared for some water spillage when disconnecting the hoses.
  • Step 4: Inspect the Filters: Examine the filters for any visible signs of debris, sediment, or blockages. These filters are usually small, mesh-like screens.
  • Step 5: Clean the Filters: To clean the filters, follow these sub-steps:
    • a. Gently Remove Debris: Use a soft brush, toothbrush, or your fingers to gently remove any debris or buildup on the filters. Be careful not to damage the screens.
    • b. Rinse Thoroughly: Rinse the filters under running water to remove any remaining particles.
    • c. Soak if Necessary: If the filters are heavily clogged, you can soak them in a mixture of warm water and vinegar to dissolve stubborn deposits. Allow them to soak for about 15-30 minutes.
  • Step 6: Reassemble and Test
    • Reassemble: Once the filters are clean and dry, reattach them to the washer. Reconnect the water supply hoses if you disconnected them.
    • Power On: Plug the washer back into the electrical outlet and turn the power on.
    • Run a Test Cycle: Initiate a test wash cycle to ensure that the 4C error code no longer appears.
  • Step 7: Monitor for Error Code: While the test cycle runs, keep an eye on the display panel for any signs of the 4C error code. If it doesn’t reappear, your washer should now be functioning without issues.
  • Step 8: Resume Regular Usage: Once you’ve confirmed that the error is resolved, you can resume using your washer for your regular laundry needs.
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Fix 3: Verify Water Supply and Pressure

A common underlying cause of the 4C error code on Samsung washers is inadequate water supply or low water pressure. This fix focuses on ensuring that your washer receives an ample and consistent flow of water.

  • Step 1: Shut Off Power and Unplug: As always, prioritize safety. Turn off the power to your washer and unplug it from the electrical outlet to avoid any electrical accidents during the process.
  • Step 2: Check the Water Supply Valve:
    • Locate the Water Supply Valve: Find the water supply valve connected to the hose that provides water to your washer.
    • Ensure It’s Fully Open: Confirm that the water supply valve is fully open. Sometimes, it may be partially closed, limiting the flow of water.
  • Step 3: Examine Water Pressure:
    • Check Water Pressure: Evaluate the water pressure in your home. Low water pressure can lead to the 4C error code.
    • Other Appliances: Verify if other appliances or faucets in your home are also experiencing low water pressure. If they are, the issue might be with your home’s water supply system rather than the washer itself.
  • Step 4: Clean Faucet Filters: In some cases, sediment or debris can clog faucet filters, reducing water flow. Remove the aerator from the faucet and clean it thoroughly. This step can enhance water pressure.
  • Step 5: Reconnect and Test:
    • Reconnect Hoses: If you had disconnected the water supply hoses earlier, reconnect them securely to your washer.
    • Power On: Plug the washer back into the electrical outlet and turn the power on.
    • Run a Test Cycle: Initiate a test wash cycle to check if the 4C error code persists.
  • Step 6: Monitor for Error Code: During the test cycle, keep a vigilant eye on the display panel. If the 4C error code does not reappear, your washer should now have a consistent water supply.
  • Step 7: Resume Normal Usage: Once you’ve confirmed that the error is resolved and the water supply is adequate, you can resume using your washer as usual.

By verifying your water supply and pressure, you can address the root cause of the 4C error code and ensure that your Samsung washer operates smoothly. If the error persists despite these checks, consider exploring other troubleshooting options or consulting a professional technician for further assistance.

Fix 4: Inspect and Replace Water Inlet Valve

If you’ve tried the previous fixes and the 4C error code on your Samsung washer still persists, it’s time to examine the water inlet valve. The water inlet valve is responsible for allowing water to flow into the machine, and a malfunction in this component can trigger the error. Here’s how to inspect and replace the water inlet valve:

  • Step 1: Safety Precautions: As always, prioritize safety. Turn off the power to your washer and unplug it from the electrical outlet to avoid any electrical accidents during the process.
  • Step 2: Locate the Water Inlet Valve: Identify the water inlet valve’s location, which is typically at the back of your Samsung washer. Consult your user manual if you’re unsure.
  • Step 3: Disconnect Hoses: Disconnect the water supply hoses from the water inlet valve. Be prepared for some water spillage when doing this.
  • Step 4: Inspect the Valve: Examine the water inlet valve for any visible signs of damage or corrosion. If the valve appears damaged or if there’s noticeable debris inside, it’s a clear indicator that the valve needs replacement.
  • Step 5: Order a Replacement Valve: Identify the specific model of your Samsung washer and order a compatible replacement water inlet valve. You can often find replacement parts through authorized Samsung dealers or online retailers.
  • Step 6: Replace the Valve: Follow the manufacturer’s instructions provided with the new water inlet valve to install it correctly.
  • Step 7: Reconnect and Test:
    • Reconnect Hoses: Reconnect the water supply hoses securely to the newly installed water inlet valve.
    • Power On: Plug the washer back into the electrical outlet and turn the power on.
    • Run a Test Cycle: Initiate a test wash cycle to check if the 4C error code still appears.
  • Step 8: Monitor for Error Code: While the test cycle runs, closely monitor the display panel. If the 4C error code does not reappear, your washer should now have a fully functional water inlet valve.
  • Step 9: Resume Normal Usage: Once you’ve confirmed that the error is resolved with the new water inlet valve, you can resume using your washer as usual.

By inspecting and replacing the water inlet valve, you address a critical component that could be causing the 4C error code. If the issue persists despite this replacement, it’s advisable to explore additional troubleshooting options or consult a professional technician for further assistance.

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Fix 5: Check Water Supply Hoses for Damage

Damaged or kinked water supply hoses can be a leading cause of the 4C error code on Samsung washers. It’s essential to ensure that these hoses are in good condition and properly connected. Here’s how to check and address this issue:

  • Step 1: Safety Precautions: Prioritize safety by turning off the power to your washer and unplugging it from the electrical outlet.
  • Step 2: Access the Water Supply Hoses: Identify the water supply hoses connected to your washer. These hoses typically run from the water supply valves to the back of the machine.
  • Step 3: Inspect for Damage: Examine the entire length of each hose for any visible damage, such as cracks, tears, or kinks. Pay close attention to areas near bends and connections.
  • Step 4: Check Hose Connections: Ensure that the hoses are securely connected to both the water supply valves and the washer’s water inlet ports. Loose or improperly connected hoses can result in water supply issues.
  • Step 5: Address Kinks or Damage:
    • Kinked Hoses: If you find any kinks in the hoses, gently straighten them to allow for proper water flow.
    • Replace Damaged Hoses: If you discover any hoses with visible damage that cannot be repaired, it’s crucial to replace them with new, undamaged hoses.
  • Step 6: Reconnect and Test:
    • Reconnect Hoses: If you disconnected the hoses during inspection, reconnect them securely to both the water supply valves and the washer’s water inlet ports.
    • Power On: Plug the washer back into the electrical outlet and turn the power on.
    • Run a Test Cycle: Initiate a test wash cycle to confirm whether the 4C error code still appears.
  • Step 7: Monitor for Error Code: During the test cycle, closely watch the display panel for any signs of the 4C error code. If it does not reappear, your washer should now have an uninterrupted water supply.
  • Step 8: Resume Normal Usage: Once you’ve confirmed that the error is resolved and the water supply hoses are in good condition, you can resume using your washer as usual.

By thoroughly inspecting and addressing any issues with the water supply hoses, you eliminate another potential cause of the 4C error code. If the problem persists despite these checks, consider exploring additional troubleshooting options or consulting a professional technician for further assistance.

Fix 6: Check and Clean the Water Inlet Screens

Water inlet screens, also known as screens or filters, are small mesh components located at the end of the water inlet hoses. These screens can become clogged with debris over time, leading to water flow problems and the 4C error code. Follow these steps to check and clean the water inlet screens:

  • Step 1: Safety Precautions: As always, prioritize safety. Turn off the power to your washer and unplug it from the electrical outlet.
  • Step 2: Locate the Water Inlet Screens: Identify the water inlet screens at the end of each water inlet hose connected to your washer.
  • Step 3: Remove the Screens:
    • Detach the Hoses: Carefully disconnect the water inlet hoses from the washer. You may need to use pliers to gently unscrew the hoses from the machine.
    • Inspect the Screens: Examine the screens for any visible debris, sediment, or blockages. These screens are designed to catch particles that could clog the water inlet valve.
  • Step 4: Clean the Screens: To clean the screens, follow these sub-steps:
    • a. Remove Debris: Use a soft brush, toothbrush, or your fingers to gently remove any debris or buildup on the screens.
    • b. Rinse Thoroughly: Rinse the screens under running water to remove any remaining particles.
    • c. Soak if Necessary: If the screens are heavily clogged, you can soak them in a mixture of warm water and vinegar to dissolve stubborn deposits. Allow them to soak for about 15-30 minutes.
  • Step 5: Reconnect and Test:
    • Reattach Hoses: Once the screens are clean and dry, reattach the water inlet hoses securely to the washer.
    • Power On: Plug the washer back into the electrical outlet and turn the power on.
    • Run a Test Cycle: Initiate a test wash cycle to check if the 4C error code still appears.
  • Step 6: Monitor for Error Code: While the test cycle runs, closely observe the display panel for any signs of the 4C error code. If it does not reappear, your washer should now have improved water flow.
  • Step 7: Resume Normal Usage: Once you’ve confirmed that the error is resolved with clean water inlet screens, you can resume using your washer as usual.

Cleaning the water inlet screens is a maintenance task that can prevent the 4C error code by ensuring proper water flow. If the issue persists despite this cleaning, consider exploring additional troubleshooting options or consulting a professional technician for further assistance.

Fix 7: Check for Clogged Drainage System

In some cases, a clogged drainage system can indirectly trigger the 4C error code. If the washer cannot drain water effectively, it may lead to water supply issues. Follow these steps to check and clear a clogged drainage system:

  • Step 1: Safety Precautions: Turn off the power to your washer and unplug it from the electrical outlet.
  • Step 2: Locate the Drainage Hose: Identify the drainage hose connected to your washer. This hose typically leads to a drainpipe or laundry sink.
  • Step 3: Inspect for Clogs: Examine the drainage hose for any visible clogs or blockages. Sometimes, lint, debris, or foreign objects can obstruct the flow of water.
  • Step 4: Clear the Clog: If you find a clog, use a plumbing snake, a straightened coat hanger, or a drain cleaning tool to clear the obstruction. Ensure that the drainage hose is completely free of any blockages.
  • Step 5: Reattach and Test:
    • Reattach the Hose: After clearing any clogs, reattach the drainage hose securely to the washer.
    • Power On: Plug the washer back into the electrical outlet and turn the power on.
    • Run a Test Cycle: Initiate a test wash cycle to check if the 4C error code still appears.
  • Step 6: Monitor for Error Code: While the test cycle runs, closely observe the display panel for any signs of the 4C error code. If it does not reappear, your washer should now be draining properly, which can help prevent water supply issues.
  • Step 7: Resume Normal Usage: Once you’ve confirmed that the error is resolved and the drainage system is clear, you can resume using your washer as usual.
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A clogged drainage system can indirectly affect the water supply to your washer, so addressing this issue can help prevent the 4C error code. If the problem persists despite clearing the drainage system, consider exploring additional troubleshooting options or consulting a professional technician for further assistance.

Fix 8: Reset the Water Level Sensor

The water level sensor in your Samsung washer plays a crucial role in detecting the appropriate water level for each cycle. A malfunctioning sensor can lead to the 4C error code. Here’s how to reset the water level sensor:

  • Step 1: Safety Precautions: Turn off the power to your washer and unplug it from the electrical outlet.
  • Step 2: Locate the Water Level Sensor: Identify the water level sensor, which is typically located near the top of the washer’s tub.
  • Step 3: Reset the Sensor: Look for a reset button on the water level sensor. Press and hold this button for about 10-15 seconds.
  • Step 4: Power On and Test:
    • Power On: Plug the washer back into the electrical outlet and turn the power on.
    • Run a Test Cycle: Initiate a test wash cycle to check if the 4C error code still appears.
  • Step 5: Monitor for Error Code: While the test cycle runs, closely observe the display panel for any signs of the 4C error code. If it does not reappear, your washer should now have a properly reset water level sensor.
  • Step 6: Resume Normal Usage: Once you’ve confirmed that the error is resolved with the reset water level sensor, you can resume using your washer as usual.

Resetting the water level sensor can resolve issues related to detecting the correct water level, potentially preventing the 4C error code. If the problem persists despite resetting the sensor, consider exploring additional troubleshooting options or consulting a professional technician for further assistance.

Preventing the 4C Error Code: Maintenance Tips

Preventing the 4C error code on your Samsung washer is essential to keep your laundry routine hassle-free. Here are some maintenance tips to help you avoid encountering this issue in the future:

  • 1. Regularly Clean Filters and Screens: Clean the water inlet screens and filters periodically to prevent clogs and ensure proper water flow.
  • 2. Check Hoses and Connections:
    • Inspect water supply hoses for signs of wear, kinks, or damage. Replace them if needed.
    • Ensure that hoses are securely connected to the washer and water supply valves.
  • 3. Maintain Adequate Water Pressure: Keep an eye on water pressure in your home. Low water pressure can affect your washer’s performance. Address any plumbing issues promptly.
  • 4. Use High-Efficiency Detergent: Opt for high-efficiency detergents designed for front-load washers. These detergents produce fewer suds, reducing the likelihood of water supply issues.
  • 5. Prevent Drainage Clogs: Regularly clean out lint traps and check the drainage system for clogs. A clear drainage system ensures proper water flow.
  • 6. Avoid Overloading: Do not overload your washer, as this can strain the machine and lead to water supply problems.
  • 7. Periodic Sensor Checks: Monitor the water level sensor for any irregularities. If you notice issues, consider resetting or replacing it as necessary.
  • 8. Schedule Professional Maintenance: Arrange for regular professional maintenance and check-ups to identify and address potential problems before they lead to the 4C error code.
  • 9. Educate Household Members: Ensure that all members of your household are aware of proper washer usage and maintenance practices to prevent errors.

By following these preventive tips and practicing regular maintenance, you can significantly reduce the chances of encountering the 4C error code on your Samsung washer and enjoy uninterrupted laundry convenience.


Dealing with the 4C error code on your Samsung washer can be frustrating, but armed with the knowledge from this guide, you can troubleshoot and resolve the issue with confidence. By understanding the common causes and following the step-by-step instructions provided, you can save time and money on potentially unnecessary service calls. Regular maintenance, such as cleaning filters and inspecting hoses, can also prevent future occurrences of the 4C error code. Don’t let a washing machine hiccup disrupt your laundry routine—take control and keep your Samsung washer running smoothly. Your clean clothes will thank you!


What is the 4C error code on my Samsung washer?

The 4C error code signals a water supply issue in your washer.

What causes the 4C error code?

Common causes include water inlet valve problems, hose issues, low water pressure, or clogged filters.

How can I reset my washer to clear the 4C error?

Turn off power, unplug, wait, and then restart. Sometimes, this simple reset works wonders.

Can clogged filters trigger the 4C error code?

Yes, clogged water inlet filters can obstruct water flow, leading to the 4C error.

How often should I clean the water inlet filters?

Cleaning every few months is advisable to prevent clogs and ensure smooth water flow.

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