Apple tv error code n/64

Are you experiencing the Apple TV Error Code N/64? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Many Apple TV users have encountered this error, which can be frustrating when you’re trying to enjoy your favorite shows and movies. In this article, we will explore the reasons behind the error code N/64 and provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to fix it. Whether you’re a tech-savvy individual or a beginner, our comprehensive guide will help you resolve the issue and get back to streaming seamlessly.

Reasons Behind Apple TV Error Code N/64

There are several reasons why you may encounter the Apple TV Error Code N/64. Understanding these causes can help you troubleshoot the issue effectively. Here are some common reasons behind this error:

Apple tv error code n/64
  1. Network Connection Issues: The most common cause of the Apple TV Error Code N/64 is related to network connectivity problems. If your Apple TV cannot establish a stable connection to your network, it will display this error. Weak Wi-Fi signals, router or modem issues, or incorrect network settings can all contribute to this problem.
  2. Weak Wi-Fi Signal: If your Apple TV is located too far away from your Wi-Fi router or if there are physical obstructions, such as walls or other devices, blocking the signal, you may experience the N/64 error. A weak Wi-Fi signal can lead to intermittent or unstable network connectivity.
  3. Incorrect Network Settings: Incorrectly configured network settings on your Apple TV can trigger the N/64 error. This can include entering an incorrect Wi-Fi password, using static IP settings instead of DHCP, or having conflicting VPN or proxy configurations.
  4. Internet Service Provider (ISP) Issues: Sometimes, the problem lies with your internet service provider. Network outages, maintenance activities, or other issues on the ISP’s end can prevent your Apple TV from connecting to the internet and result in the N/64 error.
  5. Router or Modem Problems: Faulty or outdated router or modem firmware can cause compatibility issues with the Apple TV. If your router or modem is not properly updated or configured, it can disrupt the network connection and trigger the N/64 error.

By understanding the reasons behind the Apple TV Error Code N/64, you can take the necessary steps to troubleshoot and resolve the issue effectively.

How to fix apple tv error code n/64?

Fix 1: Check Your Network Connection

To resolve the Apple TV Error Code N/64, the first step is to ensure that your network connection is working properly. Follow these detailed steps:

  1. Restart your router and modem: Power off both your router and modem by unplugging them from the power source. Wait for about 30 seconds, then plug them back in. Give them a few minutes to restart and establish a stable connection.
  2. Verify Wi-Fi signal strength: Check the signal strength of your Wi-Fi network. Move closer to your router or place your Apple TV in a location where the Wi-Fi signal is strong. Avoid any physical obstructions or interference from other devices that may weaken the signal.
  3. Update your router’s firmware: Outdated router firmware can cause compatibility issues. Access your router’s settings by typing its IP address into your web browser. Look for the firmware update option and follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer to update it to the latest version.
  4. Reset network settings on Apple TV: On your Apple TV, go to “Settings” and select “Network.” Choose your Wi-Fi network and select “Forget Network.” Confirm the action. Then, reconnect to your Wi-Fi network by selecting it from the list and entering the correct password.
  5. Check for other Wi-Fi interference: Other electronic devices in your vicinity, such as cordless phones or microwave ovens, can interfere with your Wi-Fi signal. Move such devices away from your router or Apple TV to minimize interference.
  6. Verify DNS settings: Sometimes, incorrect DNS settings can cause network connectivity issues. Go to “Settings” on your Apple TV, select “Network,” and choose your Wi-Fi network. In the DNS section, select “Configure DNS” and make sure it is set to “Automatic.” If it is set to “Manual,” switch it to “Automatic.”
  7. Restart Apple TV: If the issue persists, restart your Apple TV. Go to “Settings” and select “System.” Choose “Restart” and confirm the action. Once the Apple TV restarts, try connecting to your Wi-Fi network again.

By following these detailed steps, you can troubleshoot and fix the network connection issues that may be causing the Apple TV Error Code N/64.

Fix 2: Verify Network Settings

Another step to fix the Apple TV Error Code N/64 is to verify your network settings. Incorrectly configured settings can contribute to the error. Follow these detailed steps to ensure your network settings are properly set:

  1. Check your Wi-Fi password: Double-check that you are entering the correct password for your Wi-Fi network. Passwords are case-sensitive, so ensure that you are typing it accurately. If you’re unsure, you can find the correct password in your router’s settings or contact your internet service provider.
  2. Confirm DHCP settings: Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) allows your Apple TV to obtain an IP address automatically. To verify DHCP settings, go to “Settings” on your Apple TV, select “Network,” and choose “Configure IP.” Set it to “Automatically” if it isn’t already.
  3. Disable VPN or Proxy settings: If you are using a VPN (Virtual Private Network) or a proxy server on your Apple TV, it may interfere with the network connection and trigger the N/64 error. Temporarily disable the VPN or proxy settings to see if that resolves the issue. Go to “Settings,” select “General,” and choose “VPN” or “Proxy” to disable the respective settings.
  4. Restart your Apple TV and router: Sometimes, a simple restart can resolve network-related issues. Power off your Apple TV and unplug it from the power source. Additionally, restart your router and modem. Wait for a few seconds, then plug in your router and modem first, and once they’re fully powered on, plug in your Apple TV and turn it on.
  5. Update Apple TV software: Ensure that your Apple TV is running the latest software version. Go to “Settings,” select “System,” and choose “Software Updates.” If an update is available, follow the prompts to install it.
  6. Factory reset (last resort): If all else fails, you can try performing a factory reset on your Apple TV. Keep in mind that this will erase all settings and content on your device. To factory reset, go to “Settings,” select “System,” and choose “Reset.” Select “Reset All Settings” or “Erase All Content and Settings” and follow the on-screen instructions.
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By verifying and adjusting your network settings using these detailed steps, you can rectify any misconfigurations that may be causing the Apple TV Error Code N/64.

Read more: How to fix An Error Occurred Installing iOS 16.3.1?

Fix 3: Check Internet Service Provider (ISP) Issues

If the Apple TV Error Code N/64 persists, it’s worth checking for any issues related to your internet service provider (ISP). Here are the steps you can take:

  1. Check other devices: Connect other devices, such as smartphones, tablets, or computers, to your Wi-Fi network and see if they can access the internet. If none of the devices can connect, it indicates a broader network issue that may be caused by your ISP.
  2. Contact your ISP: Reach out to your ISP’s customer support to inquire about any known outages or network maintenance activities in your area. Provide them with specific details about the error code N/64 you’re experiencing on your Apple TV. They can check the status of your connection and provide assistance in resolving the issue.
  3. Reset your modem: If your ISP confirms that there are no issues on their end, try resetting your modem. Locate the reset button on your modem (usually at the back) and press and hold it for about 10 seconds. This will restore the modem to its default settings. Wait for a few minutes for the modem to restart and establish a connection.
  4. Check network cables: Ensure that all network cables connecting your modem, router, and Apple TV are securely plugged in. Sometimes, loose or damaged cables can disrupt the network connection.
  5. Consider alternative connections: If possible, try connecting your Apple TV to the internet using an Ethernet cable instead of relying on Wi-Fi. This can help determine if the issue is related to the wireless connection.
  6. Contact Apple Support: If you have exhausted all troubleshooting options and the error persists, it’s recommended to reach out to Apple Support. They can provide further assistance specific to your Apple TV model and offer advanced troubleshooting steps or arrange for a repair if necessary.

By following these steps, you can investigate any potential ISP-related issues that may be contributing to the Apple TV Error Code N/64 and take appropriate actions to resolve them.

Fix 4: Update Apple TV Software

Updating your Apple TV’s software can often resolve various errors, including the Apple TV Error Code N/64. Follow these steps to ensure your Apple TV is running the latest software version:

  1. Go to the Settings menu: On your Apple TV, navigate to the home screen and select the “Settings” app using your remote.
  2. Select the System option: In the Settings menu, scroll down and select the “System” option.
  3. Choose Software Updates: Within the System menu, locate and select the “Software Updates” option.
  4. Check for updates: The Apple TV will automatically check for available updates. If an update is available, you will see a prompt indicating the availability of the update.
  5. Install the update: If an update is found, select the “Download and Install” option. The update will begin downloading, and once completed, the Apple TV will prompt you to install the update.
  6. Follow the on-screen instructions: During the installation process, follow the on-screen instructions to complete the update. Your Apple TV may restart one or more times.
  7. Verify the software version: After the update is installed, go back to the Settings menu and select “System” again. Choose “About” to verify that your Apple TV is now running the latest software version.

By updating your Apple TV’s software, you ensure that any known bugs or issues are addressed, which can potentially resolve the Apple TV Error Code N/64. Regular software updates also provide improved performance, stability, and new features for your Apple TV.

Note: It is recommended to have a stable internet connection during the software update process to avoid any interruptions.

Fix 5: Reset Apple TV to Factory Settings

If the previous fixes have not resolved the Apple TV Error Code N/64, you can try resetting your Apple TV to its factory settings. This will erase all settings and content on your device, so make sure to back up any important data before proceeding. Follow these steps to reset your Apple TV:

  1. Access the Settings menu: Go to the home screen of your Apple TV and select the “Settings” app using your remote.
  2. Select the System option: Within the Settings menu, scroll down and select the “System” option.
  3. Choose Reset: In the System menu, locate and select the “Reset” option.
  4. Select Reset All Settings or Erase All Content and Settings: Depending on your Apple TV model and software version, you may have different reset options. Choose either “Reset All Settings” or “Erase All Content and Settings.” If you want to completely wipe your Apple TV, select “Erase All Content and Settings.”
  5. Confirm the reset: A warning message will appear, informing you that all settings and content will be erased. Read the message carefully and select “Reset” or “Erase” to proceed.
  6. Wait for the reset process: The Apple TV will initiate the reset process, which may take a few minutes. The device will restart automatically after the reset is complete.
  7. Set up your Apple TV: Once the Apple TV restarts, you will be guided through the initial setup process. Follow the on-screen instructions to configure your language, network, and other settings.
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By resetting your Apple TV to factory settings, you eliminate any software-related issues that may have been causing the N/64 error. This step should only be taken if all other troubleshooting methods have failed to resolve the issue.

Fix 6: Check for Hardware Issues

If none of the previous fixes have resolved the Apple TV Error Code N/64, it’s possible that there may be a hardware issue causing the problem. In such cases, it is recommended to perform some basic checks to ensure the hardware components are functioning correctly. Here’s what you can do:

  1. Check HDMI connections: Ensure that the HDMI cable connecting your Apple TV to your television or display is securely plugged in on both ends. Disconnect and reconnect the cable to make sure it’s properly seated.
  2. Try a different HDMI port and cable: If possible, switch to a different HDMI port on your television or display. Additionally, try using a different HDMI cable to rule out any potential issues with the existing cable.
  3. Test with another television or display: Connect your Apple TV to a different television or display to see if the error persists. This will help determine if the issue is specific to the Apple TV or if it’s related to the original television or display.
  4. Perform a power cycle: Power off your Apple TV by unplugging it from the power source. Leave it disconnected for a couple of minutes, then plug it back in and power it on. This can help resolve temporary hardware glitches.
  5. Contact Apple Support: If you have gone through all the troubleshooting steps and suspect a hardware issue, it’s best to contact Apple Support for further assistance. They can provide guidance on how to proceed, including repair or replacement options if necessary.

It’s important to note that diagnosing and fixing hardware issues may require professional assistance. Apple Support can provide you with the appropriate guidance and recommend the best course of action to address any potential hardware-related problems causing the Apple TV Error Code N/64.

Fix 7: Perform a Full System Restore

If all previous fixes have failed to resolve the Apple TV Error Code N/64, performing a full system restore can be a last resort option. This process will erase all data and settings on your Apple TV and reinstall the operating system. Here’s how you can perform a full system restore:

  1. Backup your data: Before proceeding with a system restore, it’s crucial to back up any important data, such as apps, settings, and media. You can use iCloud or iTunes to create a backup of your Apple TV.
  2. Connect your Apple TV to your computer: Using a USB-C cable, connect your Apple TV to your computer. Make sure your computer is running the latest version of iTunes.
  3. Launch iTunes: Open iTunes on your computer. If iTunes doesn’t automatically launch, manually open it.
  4. Put your Apple TV in recovery mode: Depending on your Apple TV model, follow the steps to enter recovery mode:
    • For Apple TV 4K or HD: Disconnect the power cable from your Apple TV. Using a USB-C cable, connect your Apple TV to your computer while holding down the “Menu” and “Volume Down” buttons. Keep holding until you see the recovery mode screen.
    • For Apple TV (3rd generation or earlier): Disconnect the power cable from your Apple TV. Using a micro-USB cable, connect your Apple TV to your computer while holding down the “Menu” and “Down” buttons. Keep holding until you see the recovery mode screen.
  5. Restore your Apple TV: In iTunes, you should see a prompt indicating that your Apple TV is in recovery mode. Click on the “Restore Apple TV” option. iTunes will proceed with downloading and installing the latest firmware on your Apple TV.
  6. Follow on-screen instructions: Follow the on-screen instructions in iTunes to complete the restoration process. This may take some time, so be patient and make sure your Apple TV remains connected throughout the process.
  7. Set up your Apple TV: Once the restore process is complete, you will need to set up your Apple TV from scratch. Follow the on-screen instructions to configure your language, network, and other settings.

Performing a full system restore should only be done if all other troubleshooting steps have failed. It’s essential to understand that this process will erase all data on your Apple TV, so make sure to have a backup in place. If the error persists after the system restore, it’s recommended to contact Apple Support for further assistance.

Fix 8: Contact Apple Support

If you have followed all the previous fixes and are still encountering the Apple TV Error Code N/64, it is recommended to reach out to Apple Support for further assistance. Apple’s support team is trained to handle technical issues and can provide specialized guidance based on your specific Apple TV model and setup. Here’s how you can contact Apple Support:

  1. Visit the Apple Support website: Go to the official Apple Support website using a web browser on your computer or mobile device.
  2. Select your country/region: Choose your country or region from the list provided on the Apple Support website. This will ensure that you are directed to the appropriate support resources.
  3. Choose Apple TV: On the Apple Support website, navigate to the “Apple TV” section. Here, you will find various topics and troubleshooting guides related to Apple TV.
  4. Select “Contact Support”: Look for the “Contact Support” option on the Apple TV support page. It may be located at the bottom of the page or in the top navigation menu. Click on it to proceed.
  5. Choose your support option: Apple provides different support options, such as phone, chat, or email. Select the method that is most convenient for you.
  6. Provide necessary details: Once you have selected your support option, provide the required details, including your Apple TV model, serial number, and a description of the error code N/64 that you are experiencing.
  7. Engage with Apple Support: Connect with an Apple Support representative through your chosen support method. Explain the troubleshooting steps you have already taken and the error code N/64 you are encountering. Follow their instructions and provide any additional information or diagnostic logs they may request.
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By contacting Apple Support, you can receive personalized assistance and expert guidance to resolve the Apple TV Error Code N/64. They may offer advanced troubleshooting steps or advise you on further actions, such as repair or replacement, if necessary.

Preventing the Apple TV Error Code N/64

While encountering errors like the Apple TV Error Code N/64 can be frustrating, there are preventive measures you can take to minimize the chances of experiencing this issue in the future. Follow these tips to help prevent the occurrence of the error:

1. Ensure a Stable Network Connection:

  • Place your Apple TV within close proximity to your Wi-Fi router for a strong and stable signal.
  • Consider using a wired Ethernet connection for a more reliable network connection.
  • Regularly check for firmware updates for your router and apply them to ensure compatibility with your Apple TV.

2. Maintain Proper Network Settings:

  • Double-check your Wi-Fi password and ensure it is correctly entered on your Apple TV.
  • Enable DHCP to allow your Apple TV to obtain an IP address automatically.
  • Avoid using VPN or proxy configurations that may interfere with the network connection.

3. Perform Regular Software Updates:

  • Keep your Apple TV’s software up to date by installing the latest updates.
  • Regular software updates often include bug fixes and improvements that can address known issues.

4. Optimize HDMI Connections:

  • Ensure that the HDMI cable connecting your Apple TV to your television or display is securely plugged in.
  • Use high-quality HDMI cables and avoid using damaged or worn-out cables.

5. Monitor Hardware Functionality:

  • Regularly check the physical connections of your Apple TV, such as HDMI and power cables, to ensure they are properly connected.
  • Keep an eye out for any signs of hardware malfunction, such as flickering screen or audio issues, and address them promptly.

6. Maintain Adequate Ventilation:

  • Ensure that your Apple TV has proper airflow and is not obstructed by other objects.
  • Avoid placing your Apple TV in enclosed spaces or near heat sources, as excessive heat can lead to hardware issues.

By following these preventive tips, you can minimize the occurrence of the Apple TV Error Code N/64 and enjoy uninterrupted streaming on your Apple TV. Regular maintenance and staying up to date with software and hardware can help ensure a smooth and trouble-free experience.


In conclusion, troubleshooting the Apple TV Error Code N/64 can be challenging, but by following the detailed steps provided, you can overcome network connectivity issues, verify settings, and seek support if needed. By preventing the error through stable network connections, software updates, and maintaining hardware functionality, you can enhance your Apple TV experience. Remember to check for firmware updates, ensure proper network settings, and safeguard against HDMI connection and hardware issues. Implementing these preventive measures will help you enjoy seamless streaming and avoid future encounters with the frustrating N/64 error. Stay proactive, stay connected, and make the most of your Apple TV entertainment.


What does the Apple TV Error Code N/64 mean?

The N/64 error indicates a problem with the network connection on your Apple TV.

Why am I experiencing the N/64 error on my Apple TV?

The error can occur due to weak Wi-Fi signals, incorrect network settings, or ISP issues.

How can I fix the Apple TV Error Code N/64?

You can fix it by checking your network connection, verifying network settings, and updating software.

Why is my Wi-Fi signal weak and causing the error?

Distance from the router or physical obstructions can weaken the Wi-Fi signal.

How do I update my router’s firmware?

Visit the router manufacturer’s website for firmware updates and follow their instructions for installation.

Should I contact my internet service provider (ISP) for help?

Yes, reach out to your ISP’s customer support if the error persists after troubleshooting.

Can I reset my network settings on Apple TV?

Yes, you can reset network settings on your Apple TV to resolve configuration issues.

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